With a recent rash of injuries and deaths on the road in the state of Utah we got to thinking how could we help share some safety tips with our blog readers? We decided asked our followers on our social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook to share some helpful safety tips when they are on the road riding their bikes, jogging or any activity where they are sharing the rode with motorist. Here are some tips they had to share.
Pedestrian Tips:
Be aware of your surroundings. If at night wear reflectors and light colored clothing that will make you more visible. Try running in a well-lit area, with another person. If using headphones try to have the music as low as possible. Wear a helmet when riding a bike and run or ride in designated areas.
Driving Tips:
Slow down. Turn signals help make other drivers aware of your intentions. Keeping intersections clear when traffic backs up, just in case of a fire truck or ambulance. Don’t let the little things effect your driving. Be safe, and take care during the holiday rush! Protect yourself at all times! Always wear a seatbelt, try not talking or texting on cell phones while driving, use a bluetooth or any other headset to talk on the phone while driving if you do have to use the phone. Driving at a safe speed and knowing the road conditions.
If you have anymore tips please leave a comment so we can keep adding to our list. Thank you from The Utah Personal Injury Lawyers.